We’ve always been interested in optical illusions because they capture our imaginations and make us question what we think we know about the world. One interesting online trick that is getting a lot of attention has a mountain that looks normal but has a secret twist. The thing you see in this picture—a couple hugging or a dinosaur—tells you a lot about how your brain works and whether you think logically or creatively.
The mountain looks like any other scenery at first glance. But a closer look shows two shocking possibilities: a couple hugging each other and a dinosaur. What you notice first tells us a lot about how your brain works and which side of it controls your thoughts.
If you see the couple hugging, it could mean that your left brain is stronger and that you’re good at thinking analytically and in detail. You probably pay close attention, are well-organised, and are very sensible. You also have a strong knack for noticing things that other people might miss.
If, on the other hand, the dinosaur jumps out at you first, you probably think more creatively and intuitively, thanks to your right brain.
If you look at both the couple hugging and the dinosaur, it shows a rare mix between thinking logically and creatively. You can solve many kinds of problems because you have better awareness and can think in different ways.
This and other optical illusions work by messing with the way our brains process what we see. Shadows, forms, selective focus, and cognitive biases are some of the tricks they use to make each image look different.
We are drawn to these lies because they make us think deeply. They make us think, make us curious, and help us connect with others.
To improve your ability to perceive, try being more aware, working out both sides of your brain, and looking at things from different points of view.
There’s always more to things than meets the eye, as the mountain trick shows us. It makes us use both our imaginations and our minds, showing that our brains are just as interesting as the pictures we see.