People yelled at Nancy Pelosi at a speaking event in New York.

The people who interrupted the event four times were upset about Pelosi’s foreign policy choices, her claimed corruption, and her drinking habits. There was a very angry protester who said Pelosi should go to the “depths of hell” for her part in the Iraq war.

The protester went on to say bad things about Pelosi for not admitting that Iraq did not have any WMD and accused her of tricking the country into going to war. The person who was rude also brought up the attack of Afghanistan and said that 90% of the people there now live in poverty.

Someone else from the protest took the stage and asked Pelosi what she did about the Nordstream incident and why millions of Germans were left without power. There was a mix of boos and cheers from the crowd when the hecklers spoke out.

Pelosi, a seasoned politician who used to be Speaker of the House, kept her cool despite the problems. The event brought out the strong feelings people have about her policies and choices, which led to a lively discussion about who is responsible and honest in politics.

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