Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Disney’s first full-length animated movie, has been a beloved childhood favourite for many years. There has been some criticism of the 1937 movie lately because it shows people kissing without permission.
Some say this scene sends a bad message about consent, while others say it’s just a common trope in fairy tales.
Nichi Hodgson, a journalist and presenter, has spoken out about the problem and said that Disney should think again about the scene. “Disney can be an ethical business if they want to be,” he said. They make a lot of money from their pictures every year. From a very young age, kids watch their films, and they are some of the first things they learn.
Another actress who has weighed in on the argument is Kristen Bell, who said that she and her kids had a serious talk about the kissing scene.
The argument started up again after Disneyland changed the ending of the Snow White Enchanted Wish ride so that the prince kisses Snow White. Some say this makes the movie’s biggest problem, which is how it shows kissing without permission, even worse.
There are, however, rumours that the new Snow White movie, which is set to come out in 2025, will be different. Rachel Zegler, who will play the lead part, has said that the prince’s scenes might not be as important or might even be cut out completely. Zegler made a joke, “It’s Hollywood, baby.”
As the argument goes on, one thing is for sure: Snow White’s famous story is being looked at again with a modern eye. Some might say that the movie’s depiction of kissing without permission isn’t mean, but others see it as a chance to have important talks about boundaries and consent.