A retired teacher’s honest letter to parents about the state of public schools has sparked a heated discussion. The teacher’s letter, which has gone viral, shows how frustrated she is with the present system and names the person she thinks is to blame for the problems in our schools.
There are no holds barred in Lisa Roberson’s harsh criticism of parents whom she says are not teaching their kids basic values such as respect, manners, and social skills. That’s what she says: the lack of parental input is at the heart of many of the problems in public schools today.
Roberson’s letter shows how different it is for kids who come to school with fancy clothes and gadgets but not the basic things they need to learn. She says that teachers often have to pay for these important supplies out of their own pockets, which makes the problem even worse.
At the heart of Roberson’s case is the idea that parents should be more involved in their kids’ schooling. She asks tough questions about how involved parents are, like whether they go to parent-teacher talks or make sure their kids do their homework. Roberson thinks that looking at these factors makes it clear that the problems in public schools are not just the fault of teachers or the education system, but also of parents who don’t pay attention to their kids.
A lot of people have strong opinions about Roberson’s views. Some say she is too tough, while others say she is honest. One thing is for sure, though: her letter has touched a nerve and made it clear that we need to have a more nuanced talk about parents’ roles in public schools.
And as we think about what Roberson said, we need to ask: What part do parents play in how their children learn? Are we giving our schools and teachers enough help, or are we leaving them to fend for themselves? What you say in response to these questions could be the key to understanding how to successfully change schools.