A Witty Wife’s Perfect Response

As we age, our priorities and desires may change, but our sense of humor often remains intact. A charming story about a 79-year-old man named John and his quick-witted wife, Rose, is a perfect example of this.

John was sitting on the couch, watching TV, when an ad for Viagra caught his attention. The advertisement claimed that even elderly men could reignite their passion with their product. Inspired, John decided to visit his doctor to learn more.

As he put on his coat and headed for the door, he met Rose, who was returning from watering their garden. “Where are you going?” she asked, noticing the twinkle in his eye.

John replied with a smile, “I’m going to see a doctor.” Rose’s expression turned concerned, and she asked if he was feeling unwell. John reassured her that he was fine, but he wanted to inquire about Viagra.

Rose’s reaction was unexpected. She quickly put her coat back on and announced, “I’m coming along with you to the doctor, of course.” John was taken aback, asking why she wanted to accompany him.

Rose’s witty response left John speechless: “If you’re going to start using that rusty old thing again, then I better get a tetanus shot!” Her clever remark showcased her sharp humor and playful nature.

This lighthearted exchange between John and Rose reminds us that age is just a number, and a good sense of humor can keep us young at heart. If this story brought a smile to your face, share it with a friend to brighten their day!

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