Getting to the bottom of “Old Person Smell”

Growing older is a normal thing that happens that leads to knowledge, fond memories, and new experiences. But it also causes physical changes that can be hard to talk about freely. One of these changes is a strong body odour that is sometimes called “old person smell.” Even though the word isn’t very polite, science has proven that this is a real thing with a biological cause.

People often say it smells musty and a little greasy, and it stays with you even when everything looks clean. This smell isn’t always a sign of bad cleanliness, despite what many people think. instead of alcohol, a chemical called 2-nonenal does the damage. Our bodies make more of it as we age.

Our skin makes more fatty acids as we age because of changes in our hormones. At the same time, the natural antioxidants in our bodies go down. 2-Nonenal is made when these two chemicals are mixed together. It leaves the body through pores and stays on skin and clothes for a long time.

The fact that 2-nonenal doesn’t react with water makes it very stubborn. It can stay on the skin and clothes even after regular washing, making it hard to get rid of totally. Things like not enough air flow, dirty clothes, being dehydrated, being sick, and some medicines can make the smell stronger and easier to detect.

This trend is known as kareishu in Japan, where it is officially recognised. Japanese companies have made goods that neutralise 2-nonenal because they know how important it is to Japanese culture. Body washes, deodorants, and cleaning soaps made with natural ingredients are some examples.

Specialised goods can help, but there are also easy things that anyone can do to get rid of this smell on their own. One of the best things you can do is do regular physical activity. As a result of balancing hormones, speeding up the metabolism, and lowering stress, exercise can cause the skin to make less fatty acids.


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It’s also important to keep your clothes clean. It’s important to wash your clothes often, and letting them dry in direct sunlight can help get rid of smells that are still there. A healthy, antioxidant-rich diet, staying hydrated, and making sure your living areas have better air flow can also make a big difference.

Being sensitive to this subject is important, and understanding that “old person smell” doesn’t mean bad personal care or disregard is needed is also important. By learning about the biological cause, we can get rid of the shame and treat it with kindness instead of judgement.

Getting older is a gift that comes with its own changes and difficulties. If you take the right steps, the smell that 2-nonenal causes is just a small part of that path. We can make a difference in the lives of our parents by being patient, kind, and understanding.

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