An all-time holiday favourite: the 1987 Budweiser Christmas ad

The holiday season makes people feel nostalgic and warm, and Budweiser is one of the few brands that has been able to capture this magic so well. Since the 1970s, their holiday commercials have become an important part of our holiday traditions. The 1987 Budweiser Christmas commercial stands out as a true gem. It’s no surprise that this beautifully made ad has become a classic that will always make people feel happy, warm, and connected.

So, what makes this ad different? To begin with, it’s the mental link it makes. There are snow-covered fields, softly lit lights, and the sound of horse bells in the background of the first scene of the ad. As the camera moves across this beautiful scenery, the famous Clydesdales show up pulling a red waggon that is dressed with flowers, holiday bows, and a tall Christmas tree. This scene is a great example of Christmas love, custom, and being with family and friends.

The message at the heart of this ad is simple but strong: “Happy Holidays from Budweiser.” This sincere message is what makes the ad last so long. The point isn’t to sell beer, but to share a Christmas wish. People relate to the ad’s focus on custom, memories, and the joy of giving. This is what makes it a holiday favourite that still holds their attention today.

The show’s stars are, of course, the Clydesdales. Budweiser has become linked to these beautiful horses, which stand for history, heritage, and greatness. When the Clydesdales show up in a Budweiser ad, it makes people feel proud and real, because the brand is committed to quality and workmanship.

That being said, why is the 1987 Budweiser Christmas spot still a favourite? The reason is that it appeals to everyone. For many, the commercial takes them back to a simpler time, when they remember family meetings, cosy fires, and the excitement of Christmas morning. A sense of nostalgia that spans generations is stirred by snowy scenery, soft music, and the quiet beauty of the Clydesdales.

Another important reason why the commercial is timeless is that it tells a story instead of selling a product. The 1987 Budweiser commercial was different from most holiday ads because it didn’t use a lot of flashy images or product shots. The ad wasn’t about the product; it was about how it made people feel. Budweiser’s Christmas ads stand out because they focus on emotions, which is also why people keep coming back for more.

There is no doubt that the 1987 ad had an impact on later Budweiser Christmas ads. Simple, sincere, and relevant to everyone, it set the bar for what a Christmas ad should be. In the years that followed, Budweiser kept showing the Clydesdales in similar settings, often going back to themes of family, custom, and longing.

The Clydesdales are more than just ads; they’ve become societal icons. Not only are they linked to Budweiser, but they’re also signs of the Christmas season. Their roles in commercials, parades, and public events have made them even more well-known as holiday cheer advocates.

More than just a piece of advertising history, the 1987 Budweiser Christmas ad has become a holiday tradition in its own right. It makes me think of how powerful simplicity can be, how beautiful memories can be, and how timeless the draw of emotional stories is. Every part of the ad works together to create a moment of pure magic, which is still what people feel when they see it.

Let’s enjoy the customs that bring us together this holiday season as we spend time with our loved ones. Watching old Christmas movies, putting up presents by the fireplace or watching the 1987 Budweiser Christmas ad again are all little things that remind us of what the season is really about: love, connection, and shared happiness. There will be many more years of this classic ad as long as the Clydesdales keep trotting through snowy scenery and their bells keep jingling softly in the cold winter air.

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