When Instincts Save Lives: A Mother’s Trust in Her Gut Feeling

A mother’s intuition is a powerful force that can often sense when something is amiss, even when others may dismiss her concerns. This was the case for one anxious mother who couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong with her newborn son’s breathing.

Just four days into her son’s life, she noticed that his breathing seemed unusual, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. Despite her concerns, her son’s pediatrician reassured her that everything was fine, chalking up her worries to “anxious mommy mode.”

However, the mother’s instincts refused to be silenced. The very next day, she took her son to the emergency room, still convinced that something was off. This time, the medical staff took her concerns seriously, and a simple test revealed that her son’s oxygen levels were alarmingly low, at just 72.

The diagnosis led to a two-month stint of supplemental oxygen therapy at home, a harrowing experience for any new mother. But as she navigated this challenging time, a wise nurse offered her some reassurance: “Mom instinct is real, and I’ve seen it save a lot of kids’ lives.”

This poignant reminder underscores the importance of trusting our instincts, especially when it comes to the well-being of our loved ones. By listening to her inner voice, this mother was able to advocate for her son’s health, potentially saving his life in the process.

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