‘WC’ and Other Bathroom Mysteries: What They Really Mean

Everyone has seen bathroom doors with the letters “WC” written on them, but have you ever thought about what they mean? “WC” stands for “water closet,” which is an old word.

In the past, bathrooms were for bathing and toilets were for, well, resting or getting ready for the day. The water closet, on the other hand, was made for, well, doing your business.

A lot of people are shocked by this news, and some have taken to social media to say how surprised they are. Someone asked, “What do you mean WC stands for water closet?” Others talked about their own lives, and one person admitted that they didn’t understand what WC meant until they were 23 years old.

Things get stranger in the bathroom after that. People who use public urinals know the unwritten rules thanks to a video that went popular on TikTok. Stand-up comedian Freddy Quinne says that guys know which urinals to use and when to use them without saying it.

If there are five empty urinals, use the first one on the left or the last one on the right. If those are already taken, use the middle one. Also, don’t use the second or fourth toilet unless the first two are already being used. Why? Standing next to someone when you don’t have to is just weird.

Some people may not understand these bathroom secrets, but others can confirm that they are true. Someone said, “Loo, toilet, bathroom, restroom, bog – whatever you call it, we all know the importance of a good bathroom experience.”

When you see those two letters on a bathroom door again, think about the interesting background and hidden rules of behavior that go along with them. Who knew that a simple bathroom could hide so many things?

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