The sweet revenge of a woman after her divorce

No matter how bad the marriage was, getting a divorce can be very draining and tiring. It can be hard to deal with the long court process, breaking up things, and arguing for control. But one woman, Barbra, found a way to make the best of her breakup.

It began when Mike, her husband, asked for a divorce. His surprise was that Barbra agreed right away. Even though she felt beaten inside, she stayed cool and uninterested. Mike made a list of everything he wanted while they were with their lawyers in a meeting room. He wanted the house, the car, and their savings. Barbra agreed to give him everything, but all she wanted was her personal things back and for the split to be over.

Barbra couldn’t hold back her laughter as she left the meeting room. She had a secret plan that was about to come true. Mike didn’t know it, but Barbra’s mother gave them money to help pay for the house. But Mike didn’t know that Barbra’s mother had added a clause to the contract that let her live in the house whenever she pleased.

Barbra got a call from Mike as she was getting used to her new flat. He was very angry and told her that her mother had moved in and wouldn’t leave. Mike was reminded of the deal he had signed when Barbra smiled. Mike was going crazy because of her mother, and Barbra loved every minute of her sweet payback.

Barbra’s story shows how important it is to plan ahead and be patient. It could have been hard for her to get a divorce, but she made it easy, and her mother was very helpful in getting back at her. Barbra knew she had won as she sipped her toast.

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