A mother’s quick thinking keeps her kids safe from a dangerous animal.

Leslie Howe thought that going to Gwinnett County Park with her baby and two other kids on a sunny day would be a great way to enjoy the weather. But her motherly feelings took over when she saw a strange, furry animal sitting on a bench. The kids were interested and wanted to touch it, but Leslie told them not to because she was too scared.

She was right to do that because what she saw was a “pus worm,” a poisonous bug that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. The pus worm is different from other caterpillars because it releases poison, which could make it dangerous to come across. Anyone who gets bitten by this bug could have terrible effects, such as feeling very sick and sweating a lot.

From Florida to North Carolina, this poisonous caterpillar has been seen. Its painful bite is most likely to happen to young children. Some kids petted the bug without realising it was dangerous, and others got hurt when caterpillars fell from trees on them.

It’s important to be careful when you’re outside, especially in places with lots of plants. If you come across this kind of worm, you should stay away from it and keep kids from touching it. We can protect our kids’ health and safety by being aware of this possible threat.

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